January 2017 News update

And the Festive season draws to a close for another 12 months……..


The year has been probably the most tumultuous in decades: Brexit, Mr Trump, Mr Cameron, Terrorism, Middle East, Celebrity deaths and so on….. It is for many a troubling and unsettling time. However be under no illusion we have so much information coming our way all the time from not always credible mediums it is quite easy to lose perspective. History has shown Time and Time again that the people of the World have an innate ability to persevere and even flourish in the most trying time. Keep the faith!!!

That aside Christmas is a wonderful time of the year for all. Hope you all found time for the priceless stuff namely Family, Friends, Food and Fitness. All in moderation of course.

Ahh food and drink! I can here the familiar sound of ,“Ohhhh, its Xmas, go on, have another one”. Now at the end of it all things don’t look or feel so good especially when your wardrobe door closes on you “Poltergeist” style as your guilt, laden, heavier backside and belly approaches it!!!  So the key is moderation and disciple for damage limitation and of course FIT2FITE Fighting Moves To Funky Grooves,  There is no workout like it!!!

Checkpout F2F’s Finest looking every bit FIT2FITE.

A tremendous segue-way into our Festive Frenzy.


Sunday 18th December 2016 was a Festival of Fitness. Nearly 100 persons present on a day that brought out the best in the F2F family. The incomparable Dianne Reilly was as ever the absolute epitome of FITNESS. No one reflects the benefits of F2F better than her, Strength, Stamina, Suppleness and Speed, beautifully wrapped up in this mammoth advert of Fitness for all.

Great representation from F2F Instructors including Vicky Edwards and David Avery who brought their band of Merry Men and Women along for the ride.

Not forgetting our Sponsors Don Gordon of Elite Nutrition, Alan Poole from Nutri Bombz and Paul Francis of 3NESS Luxury Fitness Weekenders who as always supplied the Music system. As always the goodie bags were packed full of Nutritional products and information for stay healthy and well.

Final thanks goes to our Special guest Taurean Antoine Chagar , an  incredible young Saxophonist and my Godson. He, with less than 12 hours notice, came along and  played the baddest Saxophone over the top of the F2F Funky Grooves providing the lift and inspiration needed at the end of the annual Festival of Fitness. Check out the F2F Facebook page for Taurean in action.

Thanks again T x

Now Back tracking a little

New Instructors

6th November 2016 saw another successful F2F Instructors Course. Congratulations to l to R: Monica Imbert,  Yan Zhang, Greg Francis (Mr F2F), Alan Poole, Kate Karwacinski, Jasmine Pomeroy, Ana Rodriguez, Look out for their classes, coming soon and power to Sara for kicking off her F2F class in Collier row, Romford, See classes on Website for update.

Next Instructors Course

Sunday, March 5th 2017, Becontree Heath Leisure Centre, Althorne Way, Dagenham, Essex,
Time: 9-5pm, Cost: £150.00. Contact info@fit2fite.com for more information

New classes

Forest Row Centre, Lodge Lane, Collier Row!!  Row, Essex,
Tuesdays: 07.15- 8.15pm
Cost £5.00
Instructor: Sara Hawkins

Demonstration Class

Brighton: The Circle, 55 North Street, Portslade, BM41 1DH

Fit2fite Founder Greg Francis will be delivering a Master class on Sunday 15th January 2017,

Please contact: 01273 911331 for more information.


Well done to FIT2FITER’s James Francis and Lauren Salisbury both selected to represent England at the European Junior Karate Championships in Bulgaria. Both are part of my elite  Karate training group.  We wish them well.

Nuff said! Catch up soon

Posted in News.

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